Mining Machinery and Processing

Mining Machinery and Processing Equipment

As a trusted OEM partner of miners across the globe, we offer a diverse portfolio of mining processing equipment that covers the entire flowsheet, from extraction to mineral processing and beneficiation.

Our Processing Equipment

Mining has a crucial role in supporting rising living standards and the transition to a low carbon economy.

As an extractive industry, mining faces recurring scrutiny. However, at Weir, we believe that we can enable Net Zero for our customers by shaping the next generation of smart, efficient and sustainable solutions with cutting-edge science and our tradition of innovation. 

With a history of innovative engineering that spans over 150 years, we are able to deliver both surface and underground mining equipment and machinery to support the diverse needs of our customers. 

With a portfolio of products that span the entire flowsheet – from extraction to comminution, mill circuit and tailings management solutions – we are the trusted OEM partner of miners because we’re uniquely placed to deliver all their processing equipment needs.

We also provide a wide range of high quality mining machinery parts in order to ensure smooth operation and optimum performance on site.

And, with a global service centre network across more than 60 countries world-wide, we are there to support our mining customers when and where they need us most. 

Given each operation and site has its own unique challenges and specific requirements, we work closely with our customers to provide the best heavy duty mining equipment and machinery to suit their application. 

Our processing equipment – which includes Warman® slurry pumps, Cavex® hydrocyclones, Trio® crushers and Enduron® HPGRs, amongst others – forms the foundation of the bespoke solutions we develop, design and implement. 

We help miners optimise their plant by analysing and assessing equipment and processes holistically, rather than looking at each piece of equipment in isolation.

Our all-of-mine processing equipment capabilities make us the ideal partner to help miners produce more with less.

How our Hard Rock Mining Capabilities Empower Our Customers




55 Products

At Weir, we offer a diverse portfolio of mining machinery and comminution processing equipment designed to perform in the toughest of applications.



69 Products

Our wide range of classification processing equipment has proven to perform in some of the toughest, high volume mining applications.

Pumping and Slurry Transportation

Pumping and Slurry Transportation

43 Products

We have a long, established history of providing innovative, market-leading pumping and slurry transport solutions to the mining industry.

Concentrate and Filtration

Concentrate and Filtration

19 Products

Our diverse portfolio of concentrate and filtration processing equipment is designed to perform in a wide variety of mining applications.

Tailings Management

Tailings Management

34 Products

We offer complete tailings solutions with a range of market-leading technologies and processing equipment that are designed to safely process tailings.



39 Products

Our dewatering processing equipment features industry-leading technologies which are proven to perform in the toughest of applications.